Behr, J., Dahne, P., Knöpfle, C.: "A Scaleable Sensor
Approach for Immersive and Desktop VR Applications", in
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction HCI 2005, Las Vegas, USA (mehr...)
Jung, Yvonne; Knöpfle, Christian: "Styling
and Real-Time Simulation of Human Hair", in Proceedings of First
International Conference, INTETAIN 2005, Springer, 2005, pp.
240-245 (mehr...)
Knöpfle, C.: "Intuitive und Immersive
Interaktion für Virtuelle Umgebungen am Beispiel von
VR-Design Review", Dissertation (mehr...)
Göbel, S., Schneider, O., Iurgel,
I., Feix, A., Knöpfle, C., Rettig, A.: "Virtual Human:
Storytelling & Computer Graphics for a Virtual Human
Platform", on Proceedings of Technologies for Interactive
Digital Storytelling and Entertainment 2004, Darmstadt, Germany
Kresse, W., Reiners, D., Knöpfle, C.:
" Color Consistency for Digital Multi-Projector Stereo
Display Systems : The HEyeWall and The Digital CAVE", in
Proceedings of IPT 2003, Zurich, 2003 (mehr...)
Knöpfle, Christian: "No
Silver Bullet but Basic Rules User Interface Design for
Virtual Environments ", in Proceedings of to HCII 2003,
Kreta, 2003 (mehr...)
Knöpfle, C.: "Working
together - A VR based approach for cooperative digital design
review", in Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces
2002, Trento, 2002 (mehr...)
Hergenröther, E., Knöpfle, C.: "Installation and Manipulation of a Cable Harness in Virtual
Environments", in Proceedings of IASTED International
Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing (RM2001), May 2001 (mehr...)
Hergenröther, E., Knöpfle, C.: "Cable Installation in Virtual Environments", in
Proceedings of the International Conference on Modelling and
Simulation (MS2001), 2001 (mehr...)
Knöpfle, C., Müller, M.: "Investigating FE-Datasets in Virtual Environments", in
Proceedings of 16th IMACS World Congress (IMACS 2000), 2000 (mehr...)
Knöpfle, C., Voß, G.: "An
intuitive VR user interface for Design Review", in
Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces 2000 (mehr...)
Knöpfle, C.: "Interaction
with Simulation Data", in Proceedings of Eurographics
Workshop on Virtual Reality 2000 (mehr...)
Knöpfle, C., Schiefele, J.: "Data
Preparation on Polygonal Basis", in F. Dai (Ed.): "Virtual
Reality for Industrial Applications", Springer-Verlag, 1998 (mehr...)
Astheimer, P., Knöpfle, C.: "3D-Morphing
and its Application to Virtual Reality", M. Göbel, J.
David, P. Slavik, J. J. van Wijk (Eds.), "Virtual Environments
and Scientific Visualization '96", pp. 85-93, Springer, 1996 (mehr...)